
I'm not keen on update my age every year
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I'm 1997 kid, est. from Aug
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I Dunno Why I Find
// 19.6.12 / 4:05 PM //

—him cute. These guys are adorable and good looking and cute.
  • Nathan Sykes, 19 years old, british, a singer of boymenband called The Wanted.
  • Charlie Rowe, 16 years old, (indirectly only one year from me), british, an actor of Never Let Me Go, Neverland
The hurt thing is these guys live in different sides over the world I live in and it's hard to meet them personally. But the good thing is these guys are my current boyfriends. Lol you mad? Still mad.

(at some points I dunno why I had to make a post about this.)

And yesterday I was hanging up with my friends to watch Prometheus and I bought a young adult novel named Divergent.
  • Prometheus » 7.2/10. I like the story line and how the visual effect looks on my eyes. It works. Anyway I'm a fan of thriller or science fiction movie like this. But this is just not my favourite. I don't know, probably because of many scene's that very disgusting. But it is good! The story line is great. It is really good, and I've fallen to whoever editing this movie. And Michael Fassbender. (he is a really good actor, what's wrong, hm?)
  • Divergent » 9.5/10. I have done read this by yesterday, I love the main role. She makes me jealous of her capability. She's brave and mature, she described not that beautiful yet I would be a bi for her because she's more perfect than Katniss. And her boyfriend is flawless. I am straight for him (but I  am always straight, okay, I like guys). He is not sweet or gentle or particularly kind. But he is smart, wise and brave. I just hope that Veronica Roth hasn't ever a thought to kill him otherwise I will cry. Because it happened to my favourite character all-the-time, (he is Finnick from THG trilogy) but I doubt it because I really love Four and he could be my favourite character all-the-infinite-time (?). Okay, enough. Pardon for my fangirling. But this book's worth it! I like the story line, it tells how the 'life' separated by five factions and you have to chose one. One choice, decided your friends. One Choice, defines your beliefs. One Choice, determines your loyaltiesForever. One choice can transform you. The reason why I gave this 9.5 instead of 10 it's because of the ending was hanging and it wasn't a bittersweet or twisting. It just made me not that curious.

"Fear doesn't shut you down; it wakes you up. I've seen it. It's fascinating." He releases me but doesn't pull away, his hand grazing my jaw, my neck. "Sometimes I just want to see it again. Want to see you awake.― Veronica Roth, Divergent.
